“Training and Resources to Enable a green Era - TREE”

Programme: Erasmus +
Action: KA2 Small Scale
Target audience: green economy professionals, companies, training institutions, universities, ONG, PMI.
Duration: 18 months from October 2023 to March 2025
The project is led by a consortium of three partners from three European countries: ADIM Srl, AiNP-Newproject International Agency, Zeus Consulting IKE. All partners have technical expertise to achieve the project objectives and extensive experience in participating in and managing national and/or European projects.

The project idea is aimed at developing:
– A collection of materials (videos, activities, tools) that can support the development of skills applied to the green dimension of new and emerging jobs and careers;
– A set of scenarios representing situations that may occur in real life and that may have an impact on the environment and how to manage them in the most sustainable way.
– The project addresses the horizontal Erasmus+ priority Environment and Climate Change by working towards the following specific objectives;
– To support job seekers and workers in acquiring specific skills essential to work as green professionals;
– Enabling behavioural changes in consumption habits and lifestyles, in line with the New European Bauhaus initiative;
– Share best practices and knowledge to combat climate change and accelerate the ecological transition.
The activities that will be addressed:
– Overall project management, monitoring and dissemination;
– Design of the best practice manual;
– Development and testing of the TREE training course and situational scenarios;
– Organisation of 3 multiplier events and a final conference;
– Co-operation activities, including project meetings;
– Dissemination activities throughout the duration of the project.
Expected results:
The project idea is aimed at the development of:
– A manual of best practices;
– A collection of materials (videos, activities, tools) that can support the development of skills applied to the green dimension of new and emerging jobs and careers;
– A set of scenarios representing situations that may occur in real life that may have an environmental impact and how to handle them in the most sustainable way.
Communication and dissemination of results:
Communication activities will operate on several levels simultaneously between the partners.
The main channels of communication between the partners will be e-mail, telephone and Skype, using English as the common working language of the project.
Dissemination of results and all communication activities about the project will be contained in a Communication and Dissemination Plan, which will detail the following activities
1. Project logo: it is the cornerstone of the corporate image;
2. Website: represents the identity of the project and will be promoted on the websites of each partner;
3. Newsletter: used to publicise the results of the project;
4. N. 3 multiplier events during the project duration aimed at promoting the project results and informing about upcoming activities:
5. Final event to present the project results to stakeholders and the media;
6. Public relations and lobbying activities;
7. E-mail, Skype, telephone and fax which we will use for day-to-day communication. Skype meetings will be mandatory for all partners and will be organised on a monthly basis;
8. Ad hoc meetings to address specific thematic issues. Participation in these meetings will not be mandatory for all partners but will depend on the problem to be solved.

Shared folders will be created on Google drive to facilitate the sharing of material, for effective coordination, planning

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