Formazione -> Corsi Autorizzati dalla Regione Campania
AdIM Srl is authorized by the Campania Region to provide courses to obtain a professional qualification recognized in Italy and throughout the European Union. The qualification is validated by the Campania Region pursuant to Law. 845/78 art. 14 e L.R. 19/87 e s.m. Access the E-learning platform and consult the
O.S.S. COURSES. and O.S.S.. + S.
REGISTRATIONS ARE OPEN FOR: QUALIFICATION COURSE IN O.S.S. AND 1000 O.S.S.S. COURSE HOURS. COMPLEMENTARY TRAINING FROM 400 HOURS Courses recognized and authorized by the Campania Region L'AdIM Srl, Training body accredited by the Campania Region, was authorized with D.D. n. 103 of the 28.03.2014 to activate the courses for O.S.S. e O.S.S.S. O.S.S. COURSE. "OPERATOR