
AdIM has been present on the market for several years, (Mediterranean Information Agency), represents a reality in the world of multimedia communication, in fact, it was born as a press agency, vocation that still represents the core business, Over the last two years, AdIM has been able to initiate profound diversification by also becoming active in other fields of the information sector, training and business consultancy, to be ready to satisfy different needs and requirements.


Our sectors

Logo Regione Campania

AdIM Srl è autorizzata dalla Regione Campania ad erogare corsi per l’ottenimento di una qualifica professionale riconosciuta in Italia e in tutta l'Unione Europea. The qualification is validated by the Campania Region pursuant to Law. 845/78 art. 14 e L.R. 19/87 e s.m.

Alta formazione

The advanced training and specialization courses are designed for those who wish to deepen their skills at a high level in specialist areas linked both to their own work activity and aimed at facilitating entry into the world of work..

Corsi professionalizzanti

AdIM Srl propone corsi professionalizzanti per arricchire il bagaglio di competenze e favorire l'ingresso nel mondo del lavoro. I corsi di formazione comprendono una serie di soluzioni rivolte a chiunque abbia la necessità di accrescere le proprie conoscenze o abbia l'esigenza di ricollocarsi e riqualificarsi dal punto di vista professionale.

AdIM guarantees the student both "knowledge", is a "know-how" to enter, directed, in the world of work. The teaching staff, industry professionals, combines proven experience, cura e accompagnamento del discente verso l'acquisizione delle competenze, theoretical and practical, necessary.

Corsi ECM

AdIM srl has stipulated an agreement with E.F.E.I. (National Bilateral Joint Body for Training) to provide ECM courses (Continuing medical education) in order to obtain training credits for all healthcare professionals, as enshrined in the State-Regions Agreement 2012.


The seminars are designed for those who wish to deepen communication, l'arte della negoziazione, HR selection techniques, ecc.

Sicurezza sul lavoro

Awareness, training, continuous professional development and the exchange of information are the most effective tools for dealing with workplace safety problems. STEP srl, professional training body accredited by the Campania Region, offers a series of courses aimed at adapting companies to the Legislative Decree. 81/2008 and its subsequent amendments Legislative Decree 109/2009.

Youth Guarantee

L’AdIM srl, professional training body accredited by the Campania Region, as part of the Youth Guarantee Training Catalogue, is authorized (Managerial Decree no. 110 of the 30/11/2015) to organize training courses aimed at job placement and courses aimed at acquiring key skills for lifelong learning, aimed at young people enrolled in the Campania Youth Guarantee Programme.

Aggiornamento professionale

AdIM Srl presents the catalog of training/refresher courses aimed at teachers of all levels, structured according to the provisions of the MIUR (three-year plan for staff training).

Programma: Erasmus+
Action: KA2 Small Scale
Destinatari: professionisti della green economy, aziende, istituti di formazione, university, ONG, PMI.
term: 18 mesi da ottobre 2023 a marzo 2025


L’AdIM srl, as part of the RICOLLOCAMI Program Training Catalogue, organizes training courses aimed at updating skills and acquiring professional qualifications intended for unemployed workers who over the years 2012, 2013 e 2014 they were recipients of social safety nets in derogation, without income support and who have joined the Ricollocami Programme.

Professional courses

AdIM Srl propone corsi professionalizzanti per arricchire il bagaglio di competenze e favorire l'ingresso nel mondo del lavoro con possibilità di accedere a corsi gratuiti per conseguire qualifiche professionali o a corsi di breve durata

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