The CDP Foundation with an endowment of 500 thousand Euros supports cultural initiatives

Financing Body: CDP Foundation.

Expiration: 22/09/23

I notify: Cultural Ecosystems

Purpose: The announcement intends to promote the artistic production and/or valorisation, cultural and landscape in the territories covered by the interventions, also addressing the issue of Sustainable Development, communicating in a synergistic and inclusive manner with local cultural-artistic bodies and encouraging collaboration between local bodies.
Eligible interventions: The interventions must take place on the national territory and mainly in municipalities with small living size (< 100.000 ab.), in internal areas, in rural areas and/or in demographic decline.
The projects they may concern the promotion of every form of plastic art, visual, digital, performative and literary or even the use of innovative vehicles for enhancing the territory in order to increase its attractiveness.
As an example, but not exhaustive, the following can be achieved programs:
• museum development and valorisation programmes, archaeological sites, works of art, nature trails, ecc.;
• programs aimed at organizing artistic events and creating new attractiveness in the area, in contexts where conditions of social fragility exist, depopulation and/or lack of artistic-cultural offer;
• programs aimed at raising awareness and bringing the community closer to the themes of art and culture and to the artistic and landscape heritage of the area, improving the overall conditions of use of the offer.
The projects they will be able to have one minimum duration 18 months and maximum 24 months and must be completed by December 2026.
They can participate: banned as lead subjects The private non-profit entities that they present, between main purposes of its Statute, the management of activities in the artistic-cultural field and/or cultural heritage and boast, at least in the last two years, a professional and non-episodic activity in this area.
The proposing entity must belong to one of the categories listed below:
• Third sector bodies (ETS);
• Non-governmental organizations (ONG) national and international;
• Non-profit organizations of social utility (ONLUS);
• Volunteer organizations;
• Cultural and Social Cooperatives;
• Cultural and social promotion associations.
Overall financial allocation: 500.000 Euro
Proposals will be accepted for tender
which contemplate a minimum economic request of 50.000 Euros and, in any case, not more than 125.000 Euro. An advance equal to 20% of the amount, following the formalization of the award.
• One or more tranches, until further 70% of the total amount, the progress of the works based on the dates indicated in the project timetable and the reporting relating to the phases already completed.
• Balance equal to 10% of the amount, within 3 months from the closure of the project.

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