Welding Operator

Welding Operator

Headquarters in Naples (on) Course Code: 11435

Sant'Arsenio headquarters (on) Course Code: 11436

term: 300H of which 210 in the classroom and 90 of Laboratory

Livello EQF: 3

Sep: Mechanics, production and maintenance of machines, plant engineering

The course is delivered both face-to-face and in e-learning

The welding operator plays a crucial role in the fusion joining of distinct metal parts. This process includes the preparation of the pieces to be welded and the finishing of the welded pieces, using welding machines or tools. The welding operator is expert in reading technical drawings and instructions and carries out welding and joining operations using traditional equipment or automatic welding machines. Furthermore, it is the welding operator's duty to check the functionality and efficiency of the machines and verify the conformity and stability of the operations carried out.

The welding operator works mainly in medium and large mechanical companies specialized in production. Typically, works with an employee contract, taking responsibility for their tasks, interacting with the team leader and/or department manager and collaborating with the other workers.

Affiliated company: Mastalia Michelangelo Society

VAT number: 02688200654

Operational headquarters: via Trinità, 82 Council Hall (on)

ATECO code: 46.19.02

ULA: Number 4 employees 22/04/2024

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